Friday 21 October 2011

Interview Segment 4: Illustrative Style

Hi Esther! How is your studio project going? It's going pretty good so far! Today I'm working on drawing and creating lino stamps for the ingredients in my recipe...sweet pumpkin scones!
Can you tell me a little bit about your background...what led you into textiles? I have always been interested in crafts and sewing since I was a little girl. I love pattern and colour and the feeling of making something from scratch. Studying fashion and textile design led me into this course where I wanted to improve my design skills and focus more on textiles than fashion.
Do you have a particular way you work? Not really, I feel I am motivated to do work when I am excited by an idea or technique but often go through periods where I feel really unconfident about work! I have learnt to trust my instinct a bit and always try to do my best.
What media do you prefer working with? I love using lino and hand painting techniques - maybe because I am majoring in screen-print! I like to use watercolour and ink too.

Hi Dee! How is the project going? Hi there the project is coming along well, it’s been great drawing vegetables from life as well as delicious recipes!
What drew you to textiles? I am interested in colour and pattern. I am inspired by different cultures and their own traditional textiles. Coming from a Turkish background I have always been surrounded by beautiful textiles and patterns which led me to studying Textile Design.
What's a typical day like when designing? (do you have a particular routine?)
I like to work alone and spread out everything (surround myself) with my materials and gear and immerse myself in what I’m doing... I usually have music playing in the background and a good coffee and some stage of the day.
What media do you prefer working with?
I like to work with mixed media and it changes with the mood or outcome of a project. Inks and watercolour are my favourite at the moment.

Megan M -
Hi Megan! How is the project going? The project is going quite well thanks! I am happy now that I can finally begin to work on my final artwork for the recipe.
How did you get into textiles? I was originally studying fashion, but was frustrated by the lack of diversity in fabrics available in the market, so I thought 'Why don't I design my own!
Do you have a particular way you work? I enjoy working on loose paper and then bringing it together using CAD.
What media do you like working with? I like working with gouache, it has a lovely flat surface and I enjoy creating textures and layering it up. I also like the control I have over the media compared to watercolour.

Megan C
Hi Megan! How's the project coming along?
The project is really starting to take off, we are up to narrowing down all the ideas I have had over the past few weeks and really putting them into action! 
Can you tell me a little about your background...what led you to textiles?
I came into this Textile Design straight from high school, I was drawn to it because it was an opportunity to be creative and explore art yet with a wide range of employment opportunities.
What's a typical day like when designing? (do you have a particular routine?)
I like to lay everything out, all my materials and just start. Sounds simply but I seem to just start painting and see where it can take me. Sometime I need to stop, and re-evaluate before I keep going. Other times this routine takes me somewhere I never expected, which is exactly what you want. 
What media do you prefer working with?
I’m a big fan of mixed media. Usually a combination of ink, oil pastels, pencils and a bit of gouache.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Interview Segment 3: A Textile Student’s Playlist (what we listen to in the kitchen)

Hi Soph! How’s your project going? Yep project is going well! I’m in the marketing and Promotions team and there have been lots of exciting ideas flying about. We’re all really excited about this project!
Can you tell me a little a bit about your background? Hmmm…where to start! Originally from Tasmania, I studied a BA degree in Psychology but then moved to London for two years. I’ve always loved to make my own clothes so when my Visa ran out I came back home to study fashion. Fashion didn’t really do it for me and then I heard about this awesome course, so here I am!
Have you got any favourite songs that you’re listening to currently? Always! I have a healthy rotation of theme songs. At the moment I can’t stop playing Omar & Zed Bias ‘Dancing’ – it’s the best!
What do you listen to when you’re drawing? I always have music on whenever and wherever I can. To keep me in the loop I listen to BBC’s radio shows, Gilles Peterson and Benji B. They play an eclectic mix of dance-floor tunes, world music and hip hop – I stream it online.

Hey Lori! Can you tell me a bit about your background?  Well I’ve been at RMIT for a while now…before the degree I studied Screen Print Design and an advanced diploma of textile design.
What’s a typical day like when you start drawing? I attempt to have a clean and organised workspace before I start, even though it ends up chaotic by the end of the day! I also like to have all my materials and inspirations out to get me going.
Do you listen to music in the background? Yes definitely! Either that or bad TV shows if I’m drawing.
What songs are on your play list right now? Right now I’ve been listening to Pink Reason ‘Cleaning the mirror EP’, and Lana Del Ray.

Hi Jess! How’s studio class going? Splendid, I love drawing food and especially eating it all!
What recipe have you chosen? I’m drawing a family favourite – Spinach Dip!
Do you listen to music when drawing? Sometimes, I usually just put my IPod on shuffle and listen to it on random.
Can you name some songs off your playlist? Just a few random choices –Crystalis, Battle Royal and The Request!

Hey Bec! Tell me a little bit about your background?  Well after finishing high school 3 years ago I was offered a place in the BA Fashion design. I wasn’t really too sure if fashion was right for me so I ended up studying a Cert IV in design at Brighton Bay to broaden my options. After completing a year at Brighton Bay I realised that Textiles was the course for me! And luckily I was accepted into this course… nearly 2 years passed and a year to go now!
What’s a typical day drawing day like? I try to wake up early! Usually I procrastinate for an hour or so…11 o’clock I’m usually set up with paper, paint, water, brushes, my laptop and definitely some music playing in the background!
What songs are you listening to at the moment? I’m like an obsessive compulsive when I listen to music! I like most genres except rock, punk or techno; generally I listen to a selection of mix genres. I always have a few songs that I love…that I seriously play over and over till I’m sick of it…it’s embarrassing! Right now I’m listening to Jonsi, The Middle East, Sigur Ros, Jai Paul and Jinja Safari.
What music do you like listening to when drawing? Usually lounge, soulful music with no lyrics so I don’t get distracted! Mainly Cujo.

Bookcover Vote

This week the group was given the task of producing a book cover and pattern for the end pages of the cookbook. With 29 different illustrative styles in the room it was quite a hard decision to make. The stand outs were Ella’s bunting illustration and Sophie’s text. Congratulations to both of them and as of now our cookbook finally has a face! Here are some images of the finalists:
the wining text!

the wining pattern!

the wining cover!

Interview Segment 2: Inspirational Illustrators


Hey Yoki! Can you tell me a bit about how you came into textiles? When I was in grade 11 my art teacher asked me if I was interested in textile design – I didn’t even know what it was and had to get her to explain it to me! Looking at sketchbooks from that time, its clear why she asked; every drawing was full of pattern, every exhibition I wrote about was textile based and I was interested in using yarns and fabric in my work. I started telling people I wanted to be a textile designer and applied for the course at RMIT, got rejected and tried again…the rest is history!
Who are some favourite illustrators that inspire you? A few of my favourite illustrators are Camilla Engman and Sara Fanelli.
How do you interpret their style in your work? I try to not ‘copy’ these illustration styles, but themes of spontaneity and humour are something I admire in their illustrations and something I try to achieve in mine.
What does a typical day in studio involve? At the moment it’s talking, talking, talking – and not in a social way! As part of the Management team, my role involves hearing the other groups processes, ideas and goals, helping them make decisions and get organised. Basically being a bossy-boots!

Hi Brittany! Tell me a little about yourself?  I’m 20 years old. I love going to the theatre and seeing films. I hope to work within the knitwear industry. Traveling is my passion.
What led you to textile design? I grew up around the Brunswick campus so I was exposed to student work and the industrial machinery, which inspired me into textile design.
Have you got any favourite illustrators that you admire? The first illustrator that I really admired was Fontain Anderson, but right now I love the work of Sandra Suy – a fashion illustrator.
Do you have any good illustration books to share? I don’t own any illustration books unfortunately!

Ella! Can you describe a bit about yourself and your background? … I’m from the Midwest in the United States. I grew up in the woods with my Mom, Dad and older brother and sister. I spent most of my childhood exploring the woods with my dog. My parents are amazing cooks, my mom teaches food-tech at high school and my dad enjoys grilling and making maple syrup in our back woods!
What made you choose textiles? I choose textiles because I have always had a passion for fabrics and have been drawing ever since I can remember…a creative output that the two can meet together.
Do you have any favourite illustrators that inspire you? My favourite illustrator is Julia Rothman – she has a great style!
How do they influence your work? Her use of simple lines, drawing everyday objects and scenes I find inspiring.

Hi Tara! Tell me a little about your background…what led you to textile design? I was tossing up between interior design and textile design…I flipped a met card to decide! Other than that I have been surrounded by textiles from a young age– mum being a hyper-sewer and Dad had a mate who was a dye master – who encouraged me to study textiles. Textiles are RAD, it was the right choice!
What inspires your work? I have a love for Native American Indian textiles and all the sweet geometrics that come from Americas 1980’s fresh prints; hyper colour, dreaming, gross things, whimsy!
Who are some of your favourite illustrators? Reg Mombassa and Eveline Tarunadjaja – sums up my illustration style; prickly and feminine.
What do you like about their style? I love how Reg adds hair to everything, so gross! I get a kick out of humorous illustration. I love Eveline’s beautiful flowing lines.
Hey Kate! Tell me a little about your background?  After finishing school I did an art, design and photography course where I really enjoyed the painting and illustration class. Whilst studying there I heard of this course!
What illustrators inspire you? Geninne Zlatkis, look her up! She does beautiful watercolour and line work, bird studies and botanicals.
What is it about their style that inspires you? Simple yet sweet, presentation of her work is always creative.
What does a typical day in the studio involve or you? Writing lots of to do lists! Working through them and then writing more to do lists! A large desk set up with music, food, sunshine and art materials!

Saturday 8 October 2011

The Vote

Today we voted on the title of the cookbook as well as the style of the book. We decided our book will take the shape of a set of 3 zines that will be divided into complementary colour pairs (red and green, yellow and purple, orange and blue) The vote for the title came down to a decision between two which were: Colour Hungry and CMYK (Colour my Kitchen) which also stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key Black. After some discussion it was decided that the winner was... Colour Hungry!                 
Yet because we also liked the other title just as much we decided to call our publishing house CMYK Publishing.

2nd Taste Test!

After last week’s taste test we were given the challenge of swapping recipes to see if they actually work which led to the second taste test. With our bellies full, creative juices flowing and plenty of left over food there was nothing left to do but illustrate!

Colour Theory

Why do we always reach for a certain coloured m&m or lolly snake? We all have our very own positive and negative connotations to colours, for a range of different reasons. When discussing the theme for a cookbook we raised the idea of colours and how different coloured food my make us feel. Does eating certain coloured food make us happy or sad?
That’s for you to decide. But to get you thinking I will run you through some basics of colour theory.

When we think of red we think of warmth and passion, while it also has connotations with danger, anger and fire.  In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage which is the reason it appears in so many national flags.
Green soothes us. Physiologically it elevates depression, nervousness and anxiety. This cool colour is a symbol of nature and the natural world. In decoration and design it gives a calming effect. We can’t forget to eat our greens, they are good for you! 
Energising and uplifting! Yellow, with its associations with vitality and warmth, make us think of summer. Yellow foods, such as bananas, corn and pineapples are great sources of beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, flavonoids, potassium, vitamin C as well as helping to boast our immune system.
Purple has become a symbol of royalty, wealth and magic. Purple dye was discovered in the 1800’s in the ancient city of Tyre. It was made by crushing seashells but the dye extracting process was so expansive and laborious that only nobility could afford such a colour.
Blue is a cool, calm, soothing colour. We make connotation to the sky, ocean and sleep. Artist’s often use blue to help simulate depth in their painting.  Blue is a colour of peace and relaxation. Why are pyjamas traditionally blue?
To the eye orange is a warm colour, but not as harsh as red. It has great visibility! That’s why it’s used in protective gear, its so eye catching.  Our connotations with orange are warmth, cheerfulness and autumn. When it comes to orange foods we think of; fresh, tangy and zesty!

Interview Segment 1: Student Recipes and more...


Why did you choose your lovely recipe for us today? Mum used to make it all the time when we were little! It’s Zucchini slice.
Can you draw it for me?

Do you have a funny food story to share? Yes I hate Peas!
What was your first meal you cooked? Baking biscuits and cakes with mum when I was a toddler!
Was it yum?...Yep!
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only live off one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?… Fresh tomatoes, Cheese, A loaf of bread!!
Draw yourself on your island...

Hi Alice! Tell me a bit about your yummy recipe you cooked for us today… I baked carrot cake , it’s a family favourite so I wanted to share it with everyone!
Can you draw your yummy cake for us?
Do you like to cook at home? YES!!
What’s your specialty? Baking yummy desserts.
Alice can you remember your prep school lunch box? Yes, I would always have lots of delicious fruits and if I was lucky a special treat!
Draw the fruit inside your lunch box...
Laura can you draw your lovely recipe for us?
Tell me a bit about the story behind it… Chocolate macaroons are my favourite thing to bake…I love making them and bribing friends with them because they’re so darn delicious!
What are the four core ingredients that make it so delicious? Sugar, Chocolate, Almonds, Cream.
What food inspires you?...Anything sweet and delicious.
Who is the best cook at home? I'm the best baker and mum is probably the best cook!
Draw Mum's best meal...

Tell me a little about your scrumptious recipe... Well it's a beetroot chocolate cake that is filled with chocolaty goodness and delicious beetroot, Yum!
Can you draw it for me?
What do you love about food? Baking it, eating it, creating it and sharing it!
Meaghan do you remember your first food that you ate?...Yesterday! Buttermilk pancakes with a raspberry yoghurt and fresh strawberries!
What was your nan's best meal? Choc-chip biscuits.
Draw a picture of nan....
Hi Ella! Can you tell me the story behind your delicious crumble... My mum and I always cook this together when we're both stressed!
What is your favourite family meal? Butter chicken with rice.
Draw a picture of it...
What would you cook if you had a date coming over for dinner? Carbonara and brownies for dessert, wine is a must!
Can you describe your typical day of food?...
Breakfast - Oatmeal. Snacks - Apples. Lunch - Cheese and crackers. Dinner - Stir fry. Drinks - Juice and coffee. Dessert - Strawberries.
Can you draw us a picture of your ideal date...

The Taste Test

Hi there! Last night textile students all around Melbourne were busy in their kitchens cooking up a storm and today we have had our first taste test! Recipes are divided into colour groups of yellow, orange, red, green, purple and blue.  We also had a guest speaker Daniella Germain author of ‘My Abuela’ come in and give some tips on illustrating a cookbook, she was also kind enough to stay to taste test our recipes and here is a sneak peak of some of the delicious creations!

Thursday 15 September 2011


We are RMIT BA Textile design students and this blog will be dedicated to the making of our collective cookbook! 'Colour Hungry'. We will be featuring weekly posts on our favourite recipes, playlists, student interviews, colours and all things design, delicious and wonderful.. to inspire your palette!

Stay tuned for much more to come xox